
100% Donation Policy

3 Major Charity

Lillah, Sadaqah & Zakat

Ramadan Zakat

Distributing Money for poor and needy people during the Ramadan.

Eid-al-fitr charity

Distributing food for poor and needy people end of Ramadan for Eid day.

Eid al-Adha Qurbani

Distributing Meat for poor and needy people on Eid day.

Water Well Pump

Distributing water well pump for poor and needy people. Donated by people around the world.

Winter Clothes Distribution

Distributing clothes for poor and needy people during the winter season.

Widows Food Distribution 2021

Distributing food for Widows for Iftari during the Ramadan.

Helping Poor & Needy People

COVID 19 Pandemic Charity

Distributing Masks & Food

Distributing Money

Other Charities