About us

100% Donation Policy


A Few Words About Us

Ahmed Welfare Trust was founded by Azizur Rahman Ahmed in 2010.
Members of the Trust:

Nafizur Rahman Ahmed (Managing Director)

Hafizur Rahman Ahmed (General Secretary)

Jahangir Ahmed (Executive Director)

Humayun Ahmed (Executive Director)

Kohinoor Ahmed (Executive Director)

Azizur Rahman Ahmed (Executive Director)

Let's work together


Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Welcome to our website, this trust was formed by Ahmeds family members. Our aim is to help poor & needy people in Bangladesh and we are continuously trying our best. In-sha-allah.
​​​We would be most grateful if you could support us as well, please donate generously.
​​​​​We have 100% donation policy, which means, myself or any members of the Trust DO NOT take any donation for our use. All money goes towards Ahmed Welfare Trust for Poor & Needy people. In-sha-allah.

Jazakallah Khairn​​​​​​​

Nafizur Rahman Ahmed​​